Poems by Kenneth Cassar
Condemned to Death?
I hear the funeral bells ringing
It's the death of Mother Earth
A mother who loved us dearly
But we treated her like dirt
She gave us all her self
Her land, her sea, her sky
But we decided to murder her
Without a reason why
We've killed her living creatures
Polluted her wide seas
We did not care for nature
We filled her with disease
Some day will come in future
We'll end killing ourselves
Cause death of Earth means death of us
For us the funeral bells!
Death Trades

Foxes being trapped by people who don't care
Their fate is to be slaughtered just for a coat of fur
Money making murder, why can't people realise
Beauty of a fur coat is not worth those tortured lives
Show at least you care, stop financing this death trade
Refusing to buy fur coats may help to change their fate
Animals being bred by people full of greed
Their fate is to be slaughtered just for your selfish need
Money making murder, why can't people realise
The tasty food upon your plate's not worth those tortured lives
Show at least you care, stop financing this death trade
Refusing to eat body parts may help to change their fate
Out There
Out there is a cry of anguish and of pain
Out there someone's suffering for some one else's blame
Out there, there is someone who's lost all sense of hope
Waiting for some kind of help without which he can't cope
Out there lies a semblance of a once healthy being
Who'll die a slow and painful death unless he gets some seeing
But out there stands a person who cares for animals, true
Yes someone who can make a change, that person could be you!
Blood sport (dog-fights)
Men secretly gather, commotion erupts
Only one winner, the loser gets none
Money in hand when the betting starts
The dogs’ testing time, their life’s on the line
Docile dogs turned in war machines
Just for entertainment and profit for some
Dogs deserve love but to satisfy one’s needs
Killing monsters they are made to become
Why can’t you see the suffering as me?
Why can’t you let those poor creatures be?
How can you enjoy this spectacle of pain?
How can you feel no remorse and no shame?
The battle commences, the blood starts to spill
The more blood is smelled the more they attack
To the great delight of the crowd who all cheer
When suddenly fangs in the neck start to hack
Howling, the suffering dog slowly dies
Trapped in the fangs of the pit-bull’s might
Aggressiveness shows in his fiery eyes
Covered in blood, the end of the fight
Why can’t you see the suffering as me?
Why can’t you let those poor creatures be?
How can you enjoy this spectacle of pain?
How can you feel no remorse and no shame?
Animal Liberation Human Liberation
The parallel is obvious for those with eyes to see
For all feel the same suffering, all the same misery
The segregation of priviledged from those considered tools
The state miseducation that makes all citizens fools
Taught that dogs and cats should be treated well as pets
While in the cold laboratories same animals meet their deaths
With painful experimentation for more products to consume
A cheap way to make profits sends animals to their doom
Consider factory farms with the animals crammed inside
With no access to daylight, from human eyes they hide
No real animal welfare, this would increase the costs
They’re treated as a commodity, as just profit or loss
Consider circus animals or animals in the zoo
Slaves for your entertainment, suffer just to please you
In solitude they stay in their prison cage for months
With violence they are trained to perform unnatural stunts
Consider the tradition of killing just for fun
Where birds are shot out of the sky for the pleasure of one
A dead corpse in a showcase for one to see and boast
No matter pointless killing is murder to the most
Violence to animals leads to violence to human beings
A culture of death does not have eyes for seeing
An all inclusive world makes it better for every being
Animal liberation leads to human freeing
The Murder of Richard Brown (A true story)
March the third, nineteen eighty-five
That's the last he was seen alive
Three year old Richard Brown was kidnapped from home
No one there could stop them, he was all alone
He could hardly move as they locked him in a cage
Along with many others, all of the same age
All he now could do was to cry upon his fate
No one now could save him, now it was too late
April sixth, nineteen eighty-seven
They took him to another room, the time was sharp eleven
He gave a loud scream, head was cut off with a knife
In agony he ended his short unhappy life
As if this was not enough of a story of gore
The killers' sadism asked for much more
They skinned him down upon the bloody floor
And to bits and pieces him they tore
The killers though discovered, were never put in prison
No trial and no verdict, no guilty decision
This is a true story though I used a false name
The victim was rabbit not boy but the pain remains the same
Big business flourishing, money making money
Capitalist society, buy more than you need
Pay a fourth for product, three quarters for the package
Cheers for a society built up on man's greed
Open another burger shop to keep the people happy
Never mind the slaughterhouse, give yourself a treat
Destroy rain forests, kill more cattle, people will not mind it
Cheers for a society built up on man's greed
Sponsor a clean up activity to keep the people blinded
Make them think you care for Earth, publicity you need
Give kids toys, show your clown, this will attract more families
Cheers for a society built up on man's greed
Dolphin's Sad Smile
Have you seen the dolphin at the marine park
Have you seen her smile, seen how she's smart
Have you watched her do her wonderful tricks
But have you stopped to think how she ended behind bricks
A sad story lies behind that misleading smile
A story of a cruel capture from the wild
Taken from her family, now she is confined
In that sterile pool her freedom is denied
The sea is to dolphins as the air is to birds
But in her prison pool her nature is reversed
Where in the wild she swims for hundreds of miles
In that prison pool she swims in circles till she dies
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