Rabbit Advocacy Animal Matters


A Public Service Announcement from Pets In Need Society and the Rabbit Advocacy Group of BC


Pets In Need Society would like to remind you that bringing a companion animal into your life is not one to be made lightly.  While it may be tempting to offer one as a gift please read our message below and listen to it on CFUN 1410 AM starting December 3rd. 

CFUN 1410

Remember last year’s Christmas gifts?
The sweater you returned because you don’t like stripes.
The book you brought back because you don’t read fiction.
But when a pet is given as a gift…there is no return policy.
The Pets in Need Society asks you to think this holiday season. A pet is a lifetime member of your family; it’s not just a present.
Do the right thing: think…talk…and wait to make an informed decision, because a pet is not an impulse buy.
This message brought to you by Pets in Need Society dot C-A.

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