Rabbit Advocacy Animal Matters


e-1580 Cruelty to Animals (database to track animal abusers)

42nd PARLIAMENT Initiated by Audrey Weiss from Winnipeg, Manitoba, on March 13, 2018; sponsored by Saanich—Gulf Islands Green Party Elizabeth May

Petition to the House of Commons


  • ·        Everyday organizations across the country work hard to rescue animals from suffering at the hands of their abusers;
  • ·        There's no system in place in communicating individuals not suitable to own animals, potentially putting more animals at risk;
  • ·        A public database would allow citizens and rescue shelters to verify they won't be placing an animal with an animal abuser;
  • ·        People who are guilty of violent crimes often have a history of animal abuse;
  • ·        Documented studies show there is a link between animal abuse and other violence (child abuse, murder, etc);
  • ·        As many offenders move, an online registry of animal abusers would be useful for tracking purposes;
  • ·        People involved in animal fighting rings, puppy mills, and hoarding animals (which could lead to abuse and neglect) would be easily tracked with an online registry;
  • ·        Canada has Child Abuse and Sex Offender Registries, but not an animal abuse registry;
  • ·        A database would be helpful to serve as a warning of potentially committing future crimes; and
  • ·        Animal abuse happens. We need to address it, stop it and hold abusers accountable.

We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to legislate that anyone convicted of an animal abuse felony have their name registered on an Animal Abuse Registry (similar to what sex offenders and child abusers do).

Comment: Petition Canadian legislators to protect animals. It’s easy and will give us some control over the political agenda. For the most part, politicians focus on social issues as they directly pertain to the human species, but in recent years public thought has evolved to recognize that how we treat all animals is reflective of our society. Help advance the interests of animals through the political process!  

Read More: E-1565 Cruelty to Animals (violence against animals & people)

FBI to Start Tracking Animal Cruelty Cases

States Urged to Create Registries of Animal Abusers, Progress! PAWS Act 2014; FBI to start tracking animal cruelty cases; protecting pets from domestic violence; 2018 E-petitions to Canada's House of Commons

Weak update to cruelty bill wins Canadian MPs approval, Alberta bill postponed; Criminal Code updates stymied; Ontario dog abuser ordered to submit DNA sample; 2018 gov't inaction on animal cruelty laws

Who's protecting our animals? Summer 2011 (Rabbit Advocacy's PSA.) Go to our News page to read more. Taking action to make a difference