Rabbit Advocacy Animal Matters


Harper Government Strengthens Agricultural Ties With Serbia

OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Feb. 22, 2012) - Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz announced today that Canada has signed a mutually beneficial Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on agriculture with Serbia that will help facilitate exports and boost Canada's economy.

"Our Government's top priority remains the economy and by creating trade opportunities through memoranda of understanding with countries such as Serbia, we are helping create jobs and prosperity for Canadians," said Minister Ritz. "This MOU will foster long term cooperation between our two countries and demonstrate the strong and growing relationship Canada has with Serbia."

The MOU on agricultural co-operation has two main components which are effective immediately: an agreement on export of animal genetics to Serbia and an exchange of agricultural information, technology and products between the two countries.

Serbia has a keen interest in Canada's animal genetics because of their high performance and longevity. Canada's animal genetics are among the best in the world, and Serbia is looking to Canada to help increase the capacity of its dairy, swine and small ruminant sector. As a result of this MOU, Canada will also share best practices and help facilitate the exchange of agricultural information, technology and products.

"Canadian associations and companies are active in Serbia, and this MOU will help pave the way for further business and cooperation," said Minister Ritz. "Canada recognizes Serbian companies and farmers have a growing interest in our high-quality livestock technology and equipment, and where there is demand, we have supply."

The Canadian Livestock Genetics Association (CLGA) estimates that this new MoU could mean more than $6 million worth of additional exports for the industry by the end of 2013. "This MOU provides an umbrella under which business can be done and will simplify and expedite the work of CLGA members and others with their Serbian partners. We are pleased to see it has been signed," said Rick McRonald, CLGA Executive Director.

Canadian associations and companies will be working directly with the Serbian Institute for Animal Husbandry to facilitate this MOU. Canada looks forward to the increased collaboration with Serbia in the field of agriculture.

This MOU signed earlier today in Serbia by Roman Waschuk, Canada's Ambassador to Serbia, on behalf of Minister Ritz, and Dusan Petrovic, Serbia's Minister of Agriculture, builds on additional cooperation between Serbia and Canada. In September 2011, the two countries agreed on export conditions for Canadian sheep and goats to Serbia. Conditions for live cattle, bovine semen and bovine embryos were previously agreed, and this MOU provides the framework under which expanded business can occur. In 2011, Canadian agri-food exports to Serbia totalled more than $1.7 million and more than $7 million worth of Canadian livestock has been exported to Serbia since 2008.

Comment: The criminality and cruelties of the agriculture business have far reaching social costs. Economics and profitability are always the number one priority, but as awareness of animal sentience increases, we have seen improvements in animal welfare. Their treatment is of concern to a growing segment of the population, and consumers are better informed nowadays, choosing to make ethical purchases. Those businesses that refuse to change with the times will be unsustainable. It’s not just about economics; it’s about social and environmental performance. Farm animal welfare is an increasingly important issue across all sectors of the agriculture/food industry, and investors are starting to play a more active role in encouraging higher/optimum standards, as they begin to recognize such issues may represent potential financial risks if they don’t. The Conservative government's top priority remains the economy.  A commitment to improving animal welfare and protection ought to be at the top of the list.

May 22, 2014 New Export Opportunities in Ukraine for Canadian Livestock Producers

Comment: Commerce and international trade is government priority. Exploiting and profiting from the lives of sentient beings, those who cannot speak for themselves is classic bullying and heartless in the extreme.

February 2, 2016 Georgia to accept Canadian breeding cattle, hogs

Comment: Sadly, this is the decision of our newly-elected Liberal Party. We would like to see all live export banned on humane and legal grounds. Animals are not commodities to be exploited for profit!

Dec. 2017 Canada ranked 45th out of 50 countries in animal cruelty index

Canada to send live export cattle to United Arab Emirates; 2017 Canada announces intent to increase agriculture exports; 2018 we have long exported cruelty; 2019 take action

Provincial & Territorial Legislation Concerning Farm Animal Welfare: Economic interests of humans trump animal welfare. Continuing to maintain the status quo is unacceptable. We must all rise up and take strong action to end this exploitation!


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