Rabbit Advocacy Animal Matters
Rabbit Adoptions Domestic rabbit abandonment is a huge problem world-wide and British Columbia is no exception. Often thought of as easy 'starter pets' suitable for young children, countless numbers are bought on impulse. Once the novelty has worn off and the reality of day-to-day care sets in, these cute little baby bunnies frequently become unwanted. Unprepared for the adolescent stage and the marking of territory many are abandoned at this time of their life. At our sanctuary in North Vancouver we provide a home for discarded rabbits of all types. Many suffer from neglect or have health issues when they come to us. Others are frightened of the human touch or lack socialization. Sadly, the surplus of companion rabbits far exceeds the demand. Animal welfare organizations and rescue groups are at or over-capacity. Pets In Need Society and the Rabbit Advocacy Group of BC network with local shelters in giving a second chance to rabbits awaiting permanent loving homes. Please choose to adopt and help spread the word that rabbits are not disposable pets. Note: The application below is a sample of what shelters and rescue groups will require from you. Contact RAG BC for further information. Rabbit Adoption Application Please answer each question in full for your application to be considered. We try to find every rabbit the appropriate lifetime home and therefore reserve the right to refuse applications.
Date of Application: _______________________ Applicant’s Name (print): ____________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________ E-Mail _________________________________ Employer: __________________________________ Telephone _________________ Age Group: 18-25 ____ 26-45 ____ 46-65 ____ Over 65 _____
Provide details on rabbit/s breed, age, colour for which you are interested in adopting _______________________________________________________________________________________ If interested in a specific rabbit provide its name and reason for adopting __________________________________ Have you had a rabbit before: Yes ____________ No _____________________ Provide details on past or present rabbits _______________________________________ Have any ever been fathers or mothers? ____________________________
Who will be responsible for the care and costs of the rabbit? ___________________________ How will you be housing this animal __________________________ Is your home bunny-proofed? _____________________________ What measures have you taken? ______________________________ Will you be keeping s/he indoors or outdoors? ________________________________
Where do you purchase your pet supplies? ___________________________________________ Do you live in a: House___________ Apartment _________ Condo _____________ Other ______________ Rent __________ Own ____________ If you rent, are you permitted to have this animal? ___________ Are you able to provide a copy of the lease/rental agreement? ___________________ How long have you been at this address? _______________ Is anybody in the household allergic to pets or hay? _______________ Number of adults and children in household _________________ Ages of children (if under “8” see below) ___________________ Do you intend to make sure the children are supervised when with the rabbit at all times? Yes ____ No ____
What other pets do you have? _____________________________________________ Have they been spayed or neutered? ___________ How will they adjust to a new animal being brought into the household? ___________________________ Have you ever surrendered any of your previous pets? ____________________________ If so, why? _______________________________ Under what circumstances would you give up this animal or return it to us? ___________________________ Where will the animal go when you are on vacation? ____________________ What will you do if you move into a place that does not accept pets? ____________________ Are you aware that rabbits require a veterinarian knowledgeable of their special needs? Yes ____No ____
Can you afford veterinary care
for your pet? ____________________ Name, address, and phone number of your vet ___________________________________________________ Are you committed to this animal for the length of its life? __________
References: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Can't adopt but would like to help? If your lifestyle doesn't include having a bunny companion, you can always help by fostering or sponsoring one of these special critters. Your compassion and support will enable us to continue saving lives and giving second chances to those who have been discarded and forgotten by others. Visit our Links & Government Contacts page Praise for The Rabbit Rescuers 02/18/07 Several of the local animal rescue groups were featured in an article by Peter Clough in the Vancouver Province: Pet rescue: The untold tails! Letter Published: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 Kudos to animal rescuers The voice of the
small rescue and advocacy groups has gone largely unnoticed by the
media. So thanks to Peter Clough.
The BCSPCA has monopolized headlines as far back as I remember, whereas we've all heard Margaret Mead's famous quote: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." It's those groups and individuals who don't get the glory, the donations or simple recognition, yet they're the ones volunteering endless hours in leading the way in efforts to make our communities better for all, one animal at a time.
Animal Advocates Society says: The most credible source for rabbit news in BC is the Rabbit Advocacy Group of BC |