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Nature / Human Impact

"Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing wonder and awe - - the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me."  Immanuel Kant

Human activity and an ever-increasing population have already devastated much of our planet.  More and more species are becoming extinct every day. Gone forever.  We must act now to save a Planet In Peril.

New UN Climate Report: We’re All Doomed "Unless we act dramatically and quickly, science tells us our climate and our way of life are literally in jeopardy. Denial of the science is malpractice." March 31, 2014

"In essence we're just a conceited naked ape. But in our minds we're some sort of divine legend. We see ourselves as some sort of god. We walk around the earth deciding who will live and who will die and what will be destroyed and what will be saved. But the fact is we're just a bunch of primates out of control."  Paul Watson 

"Animals are, like us, endangered species on an endangered planet, and we are the ones who are endangering them, it, and ourselves. They are innocent sufferers in a hell of our making." Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson & Susan McCarthy

'One animal or plant species may become extinct every hour. All species are doomed to extinction, but man through worldwide development/killing animals for food/profit/using toxic chemicals such as pesticides/industrial wastes, will accelerate the extinction of plants/animals and the result will be a more hostile environment for man.' Eric Eckholm ~Worldwatch Institute

"The disastrous history of our species indicates the futility of all attempts at a diagnosis which do not take into account the possibility that homo sapiens is a victim of one of evolution's countless mistakes." Arthur Koestler, Janus: A Summing Up

Earth Rights “The natural world is an equal stakeholder in maintaining the wellbeing of the planet—an active participant that is worthy of our respect. ” Jocelyn Mercado from Sacred Planet

IUCN https://www.iucnredlist.org/en The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species


An Earth Jurisprudence; exploding human consumption & the devastating effects; killing animals is killing the planet

Putting The Bite On Planet Earth; human population destroying resources; fighting climate change; 2019 crisis; lack of political action

The Extinction Crisis; we are solely responsible; WWF: Living Planet Report 2018; animal ag a key driver

The World of 2108 Commentary by Captain Paul Watson; 2019 Rise of Extinction Rebellion

Apocalypse Now/Tobias; humanity's cruel & unsustainable practices; factory farming; Chatham House advice

Silent spring in Tokyo; Crisis Worldwide; new UN climate report: we're doomed

Orangutans slaughtered for palm oil farming; Girl Guide cookie boycott; environmental devastation, homes lost

Biofuel? Stockholm’s rabbits shot, frozen and burned; climate change & animal agriculture; 2019 Greta Thunberg, Time's person of the year

Appreciating Animals for Their Own Intrinsic Value; their moral worth

Stress takes a toll on animals, we all suffer, we're all connected


Ecosystem at risk - history & changes in the South Okanagan; species at risk; action is critical; 2019 updates; 2022 contact BC gov't

Alien Species Eroding Ecosystems and Livelihoods; Canada's habitat; human population destroying planet

Getting humans to live in harmony with wildlife; BC gov't offers 'special hunts'; letters; bighorn sheep population in Similkameen in serious decline; Clinton herd dying from domestic sheep pneumonia 

BC Grizzly Hunt Bolstered by Spurious Science; COs execute family of bears; 2017 BC bans grizzly bear 'trophy' hunting

Human idiocy & selfishness: Shot for a Tulip; deer issues--victory for IDPS; Oak Bay; Wildsafe BC

Hateful human intolerance and action against the innocent; sadistic raccoon cruelty

Animal cruelty intolerable, evil, sinful, and criminal

Moose calf chased and beaten by kids with sticks is put down; morons drive moose to death; report acts of cruelty

Surrey beaver's death sparks outrage; Squamish unbelievably asks 'expert' EBB Environmental Consulting for advice; Gooch weighs in

Bears pay ultimate price of human action while man most dangerous of all; letters; 'trophy' victims


Meat production has huge impact on environment; HSUS sues pork producers; WWF 2017 meat eaters ruining planet

Cultivating Destruction: The global impact of industrial cruelty; tax meat; vegan signs dominate climate marches 2015 & on

Alarm raised over factory farming in Fraser Valley; typical farm audit questions; 2018 African Swine Fever spreads, 2020 COVID-19, global pandemic

Human Population: The elephant in the room; humans extinct in 100 years?; 2019: irreversible damage, the Amazon is burning

Climate Change: The impact of human activity; 2017-1000s of scientists issue 2nd warning to humanity; 2020 final warning?

Too many people; too many extinctions; Population Matters, fight climate change with vegan diet; save planet

Biodiversity: A Tipping Point on Species Loss? Humans are responsible for Earth's destruction; 2022 COP15

Dec.7/22 Montreal - As countries prepare to negotiate a new global agreement to protect Earth's environment, the head of the United Nations warned there was no time to lose. "Humanity has become a weapon of mass extinction," U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told delegates to the COP15 biodiversity summit. "This conference is our chance to stop this orgy of destruction."

One-of-a-kind jaguar in US euthanized after recapture; saving endangered species

Eastern Cottontails at risk of disappearing; L. a. washingtonii

Lower Keys Marsh Rabbits & the Amami Close to Extinction

Columbia Basin Pygmy rabbit genetically extinct; the reintroduction efforts

U.S. agrees to consider protections for pikas after lawsuit filed; 2022 CBD working hard to ensure their survival

Human interference on Macquarie Island devastating 

Let it be said that - There are no animal problems, just problems people create for animals.

“If all the insects were to disappear from the Earth, within 50 years all life on Earth would end. If all human beings disappeared from the Earth, within 50 years all forms of life would flourish.” Jonas Salk, biologist

Our tortured land: Humankind has already crossed the point of no return in the planetary disaster its behaviour is causing. Because of the overbearing pathological presence it has evolved into, the human race is a failed evolutionary experiment, has become a garbage species, taxonomically and in an obvious behavioural sense. Its mindless, runaway, now unstoppable reproduction has turned it into a toxic fungoidal mass ooozing over the planet destroying everything before it as it spreads.


March 16-23 2020 Think Exotic Animals Are to Blame for the Coronavirus? Think Again.

Scientists have fingered bats and pangolins as potential sources of the virus, but the real blame lies elsewhere—with human assaults on the environment. The problem is the way that cutting down forests and expanding towns, cities, and industrial activities creates pathways for animal microbes to adapt to the human body. (Source: TheNation.com)

Let’s be clear: The COVID-19 outbreak was caused by humans. Without a demand for wildlife products, we would not have coronavirus. Unless we start reporting on the true cause of this pandemic and its implications for animal agriculture, we'll never be able to make the changes necessary to prevent the next outbreak. (Source: Sentient Media)

We have only ourselves to blame for this pandemic. We alone threaten the balance & self-regulation of nature.

April 8, 2020 Rome: Pope Francis has said the coronavirus pandemic is one of "nature's responses" to humans ignoring the current ecological crisis. (Source: CNN)

August 5, 2020 Intensive farming heightens pandemic risk: study

The United Nations estimates that three quarters of land on Earth has been severely degraded by human activity since the start of the industrial era (AFP Photo/Carl De Souza, above left) https://news.yahoo.com/intensive-farming-heightens-pandemic-risk-study-151759613.html

June 2023 The reality of the importation of wildlife into Canada

An analysis of Canada's declared live wildlife imports and implications for zoonotic disease risk  Sign our petition to join us in calling on the Government of Canada to end the import in wild animals and end the global commercial wildlife trade. Forever.