Rabbit Advocacy Animal Matters
Websites I hope to make people realize how totally helpless animals are, how dependent on us, trusting as a child must that we will be kind and take care of their needs…they are an obligation put on us, a responsibility we have no right to neglect, nor to violate by cruelty. James Herriot 1916-1995 It may be suggested by some books that it is not a sin to kill an animal, but it is written in our own hearts - more clearly than in any book - that we should take pity on animals in the same way as we do on humans. ~ Leo Tolstoy It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. Krishnamurti
"In fact, if one person is unkind to an animal it is considered to be cruelty, but where a lot of people are unkind to animals, especially in the name of commerce, the cruelty is condoned and, once large sums of money are at stake, will be defended to the last by otherwise intelligent people." Ruth Harrison Using trespass as an act of civil disobedience. Civil disobedience involves intentional violation of the law to achieve a result the law-breakers believe is in the public interest. It is a form of protest intended to draw attention to a wrong or injustice which the protesters believe is sufficiently serious to morally justify violation of the law. Animal Rights: The Abolitionist Approach Animal Rebellion is a mass volunteer movement that uses methods of non-violent civil disobedience to end the animal agriculture & fishing industries, halt mass extinction & minimise the risk of climate breakdown & social collapse. Animal Rising (formerly known as Animal Rebellion) is a British animal activist movement with the stated aim of compelling government action towards animal rights and a plant-based food system. The Save Movement The Save Movement, Facebook In their eyes there was love and hope, fear and dread, sadness and betrayal. "For all our ideals & morality, those of us who eat meat are undeniably mass killers, even if we hire hit men to do the job, & others to carve the bodies up, & yet others to transport the chunks around in refrigerated trucks. It’s like a snuff flick. No one makes one if there are no buyers. Everyone involved is guilty." Bob Hunter, "Strictly Personal" Vancouver Sun, 1941-2005.
Canadian Coalition for
Farm Animals Compassion in World Farming Global campaign 2017 Stop the Machine Factory farming is a destructive machine – churning out vast quantities of cheap food at a terrible cost to both farm animals and wildlife!
Animal Justice Canada
Leading the legal fight for animal protection International Fund for Animal Welfare People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals World Animal Protection (formerly WSPA) World Animal Protection Index: The Animal Protection Index establishes a classification of 50 countries around the world according to their commitments to protect animals and improve animal welfare in policy and legislation. Canada gets a "D."
Animals Deserve Absolute
Protection Today and Tomorrow (ADAPTT) The Top 10 Animal Rights Issues - Treehugger Concern for Helping Animals in Israel CHAI: Opposite Trends in Agribusiness African Wildlife Foundation protecting Africa's most threatened species Sentient Media Sentience Institute When animals are treated as commodities their welfare will always be compromised. Eating our Future - Food Politics: The Influence of Meat & Dairy Industry on Government, Education, News, Media & Health Professionals Plant Based News disrupting the conventional narrative You can lock me up, you can try to silence me, but you can't stop the movement. JOIN THE REVOLUTION FOR ANIMAL LIBERATION DISRUPT THE NORM! Universal liberation of the oppressed
They Die Piece by Piece Tuesday, April 10, 2001 - Excerpted from an article by Joby Warrick, Washington Post Staff Writer It takes 25 minutes to turn a live steer into steak at the modern slaughterhouse where Ramon Moreno works. For 20 years, his post was “second-legger,” a job that entails cutting hocks off carcasses as they whirl past at a rate of 309 an hour. The cattle were supposed to be dead before they got to Moreno. But too often they weren’t. “They blink. They make noises,” he said softly. “The head moves, the eyes are wide and looking around.” Still Moreno would cut. On bad days, he says, dozens of animals reached his station clearly alive and conscious. Some would survive as far as the tail cutter, the belly ripper, the hide puller. “They die,” said Moreno, “piece by piece.”
“But for the sake of some little mouthful of flesh, we deprive a soul of the sun and light, and of that proportion of life and time it had been born into the world to enjoy. And then we fancy that the voices it utters and screams forth to us are nothing else but uncertain inarticulate sounds and noises, and not the several deprecations, entreaties, and pleadings of each of them.” (Plutarch, “Of Eating of Flesh,” in Plutarch’s Morals, translated from the Greek) As the saying goes: "There's a reason you take your children to pick apples but don't take them to a slaughterhouse." Heartbreaking videos of animals at the slaughterhouse: This helpless calf is terrified since he knows what lies ahead. He can hear screams, and more importantly, he can smell the blood since cows have an excellent sense of smell. https://www.kinderworld.org/videos/meat-industry/calf-begging-abattoir-worker-not-to-kill/ Kinder World Ban Live Export - Animals International Every day, right across the world, vulnerable animals are enduring dangerous journeys on trucks and on ships, just to be killed for their meat — often horrifically — at their destination. It’s a horrific, immoral, & corrupt industry. Truly unconscionable. |