Animal Law
"We cannot solve the
problems that we have created with the same thinking that created them."
Albert Einstein
"There will be no justice as long
as man will stand with a knife or with a gun and destroy those who are weaker
than he is." Isaac Bashevis Singer
“If we do not maintain justice, justice will not maintain us.” Francis Bacon
"For when an
injustice is absolute, one must oppose it absolutely." Tom Regan
"Slaughter and
justice cannot dwell together." Isaac Bashevis Singer
"If everyone howled at every injustice, every act
of barbarism, every act of unkindness, then we would be taking the first step
towards a real humanity."
Nelson DeMille, American author
"Our obligations to animals are not
a matter of charity or mercy; they are a matter of fundamental justice." Gary L. Francione
The day may
come, when the rest of animal creation may acquire those rights which never
could have been withholden from them but by the hand of human tyranny.
Bentham, The Principles of Morals and Legislation
Brooks Animal Law Digest - US & Canada
offers in-depth and up-to-date coverage
on today's most important animal law and policy to interested parties in the
Animals on Farms in Canada - Animal Justice
Many standard and “generally accepted”
practices are exempt
from provincial
welfare laws, meaning that practices that would be illegal if done to a dog or
cat are completely legal when done to a pig, cow, chicken, or other farmed
Law - a growing field; not all creatures equal; reforming the legal system;
Quebec to amend Civil Code; animals are 'victims', says Oregon Supreme Court;
global animal law; 2019 Harvard launches Animal Law & Policy Clinic
Animal Legislation - Canada's Cruelty
Bills, Quanto's Law, Bill C-232, farm animal legislation; demand action of
Canada's politicians; Tory MP Sopuck a lost cause; an epidemic of cruelty; 2016
Bill C-246
Weak update to cruelty bill wins
Canadian MPs approval, Alberta bill postponed; Criminal Code updates stymied;
Ontario dog abuser ordered to submit DNA sample; 2018
gov't inaction on animal cruelty laws
Canada Revenue Agency and Ottawa
muzzle animal activists; Humane Society Canada & CRA engaged in lengthy legal
Animal welfare issues an election
topic in Canada; reforms needed,; ALDF ratings; Canada gets 'D' rating by WAP;
Green Party Canada Animal Protection Platform
Governments and SPCA failing all
animals; Fraser Valley Auction violations; rampant abuses; taking action;
Animals Matter to Me - UDAW: A Global
Campaign; Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness; World Animal Protection Index;
2020 Canada gets failing grade again
Campaigns to stop animal cruelty;
proposed Conn. Bill HB 6310 for animal victims; worldwide action
Support endangered species
legislation in BC - CITES 2010; BC fails 2013; Canada's lack of action
outrageous, 2014 & on
suffering, cruelty and hoarding; Adams County,
repeat offences; pet industry cruelty, Ohio,; When is a rescuer a hoarder?; BC
cases; Houston, TX, massive rescue from backyard breeder
Cockfighting cruelty - laws fail
to protect; Criminal Code of Canada; US law; 2019
BC SPCA & RCMP search Surrey farm
Cockfighting ring busted & roosters euthanized; animal fighting a felony
in US states; the cockfighting lobby; updates
SPCA: Stopping animal abuse or
abusing power? Pennsylvania, OSPCA Truth; farmers; 2019 OSPCA no longer
enforcing animal cruelty laws
Hallmark Meat Company convicted
of horrendous felony animal cruelty; Petaluma slaughterhouse owner going to
22 criminal charges filed against
Hormel supplier; Tyson & Walmart supplier cruelty; Seaboard

'Landmark victories' for animals;
momentum grows; humane washing, USDA; banning foie gras; Chilcotin Harvest meat
recall; BC Sled Dog Report
Los Angeles steps up enforcement
of animal cruelty laws; the animal cruelty & human violence link; Port Hardy
case; no justice by the courts, convicted animal abusers-Canada
States Urged to Create Registries
of Animal Abusers, Progress! PAWS Act 2014; FBI to start tracking animal cruelty
cases; protecting pets from domestic violence; 2018 E-petitions to Canada's
House of Commons
Michigan State University College
of Law, Canada's universities; legislation honouring animal victims,
ALDF, Right to Rescue
Hayden Law & No-Kill Legislation;
Calif. court rules pets more than 'inanimate property'; more legal rulings
No Kill Advocacy Center Files
Lawsuit to Protect Animals; Atlanta Humane Society
Activist battles on against
puppy mills, Teja's
files lawsuit against gov't ; dogs 'living souls'; CA pet ruling; lawsuit filed
against NYPD for not enforcing animal cruelty laws
Pets of Bel Air, Celebrity
Boutique to the Stars, Closing; West Hollywood progressive
Should moral duties transcend
society's laws? Dognapping cases; actions necessary
& justifiable; duty to act
Victory for free speech and the
animals; SLAPPs; boycotting AU wool; the law & false advertising; the meat spin
doctors; charges dropped against Ontario slaughterhouse activists
increasingly used by the powerful; government control, arrogance, DNR deer case;
2019 new Trespass Acts seek to punish animal activists;
Supreme Court of Canada
modernizes defence of fair comment; media fails animals; journalism's function
Ringling Brothers Will Stand
Trial for Elephant Abuse; Bolivia bans use of animals in circuses, UK bill
stalls; CA cities take action, bullhooks banned, Ringling to end elephant acts
2018; date's moved ahead to 2016
Legislation pertaining to the fur
industry; taking action
MEPs miss chance to help animals
raised and killed for their fur; ban fur from London Fashion Week 2017
U.S. retailers accused of
mislabelling furs, HSUS files lawsuit
Animal massacre sparking
lawsuits; preparing for natural disasters; fires,
floods, climate change, CDART, BC SPCA
Patent on Rabbits Rejected; EU bans
cosmetic testing on animals
- “Unjust
laws exist: shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend
them, and obey them until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at
once?” Henry
David Thoreau
law unenforced stands to be a law unobserved.
Creating a world where
animals have rights
and those rights are respected
demands intervention.
the laws that protect animals,
but we
can change
how those laws are enforced.
Animal Cruelty: Understanding the Problem
Animal Neglect: Frequently Asked Questions
Table of Reporting Animal Cruelty in the United States.
In Canada, contact the
relevant authorities in your community such as the SPCA, humane society, or
police department. Let animal advocacy and animal justice organizations know, as
well. Undercover investigations are critical in bringing public awareness as to
what really goes on behind the scenes.
All inhumanity begins with a devaluing of others
- different by religion, colour, tribe, or simply species- as less than human.
"To live without killing is a thought which could electrify the
world, if men were only capable of staying awake long enough to let the idea
soak in."
Henry Miller, The Henry Miller Reader (1959)