Rabbit Advocacy Animal Matters
Animal Welfare / Advocacy "The awful wrongs and sufferings forced upon the innocent, faithful animal race, form the blackest chapter in the whole world's history. Edward Augustus Freeman "There can be no justification for causing suffering to animals simply to serve man's pleasure or simply to enhance man's lifestyle." The Dean of York “It has always been comforting to the dominant group to assume that those in subservient positions do not suffer or feel pain as keenly, or at all.” When Elephants Weep, by Jeffrey Moussaieff & Susan McCarthy Never be afraid to speak the truth – the voiceless need courageous individuals to step forward and persevere. Silence is deafening, if not deadly. Carmina Gooch “There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” —Elie Wiesel It’s common sense that animals have emotions. It’s all about money, greed, uncaringness & self-interest that we exploit all species and the whole planet for humans only. "In this culture, especially with regard, or lack of regard, to nonhuman animals, it is often easier to get away with murder than it is to save lives." David Sztybel, Canadian philosopher in animal ethics Animal Victory Petitions to sign! Animal Victory is a compassionate advocacy group fighting animal abusers through petitions.
Companion Animal Protection Act; HSUS & HSLF ratings on issues; ALDF on companion animals Speciesism, Alive and Well; veganism transcends politics & religion Canada Flunks on Animal Welfare Says Global Report from World Animal Protection 2020
Advocacy Group of BC: Report: 2005 To kill or not to kill - the debate in BC, SPCA kills Peter Rabbit; help reduce pet homelessness
Do-Little Petting Zoo farm probed over lack of animal welfare; SPCA investigates; exotic animals, lack of care Controversy over Blueridge Day, DNV, animal exploitation "entertainment"; exotics, bylaws Murder by any other name; using honest language, not euphemisms; abolitionist approach When is murder murder? Rabbit ripper shocks Germany; the fight against speciesism
Too many unwanted pets -
spay/neuter saves lives; SpayAid BC There's No Such Thing as a 'Responsible Breeder', local breeders & the CRA, BC looking to regulate commercial dog & cat breeders Born To Die Pets; what about PETA?; Charles Danten weighs in; the lowly rabbit; rabbit cafes
Whidbey Island dog in court battle is stolen from shelter; Whatcom Humane Society & services Volunteers threatened if they speak publicly about "shelter" conditions; never be silent! San Francisco SPCA - A Time to Kill; creating new policies; rabbits on New Westminster agenda California Debates Pet-Sterilization Law; passed 14-1; local & state laws CAGES = PRISONS
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