"Our grandchildren
will ask us one day: Where were you during the Holocaust of the animals?
What did you do against these horrifying crimes? We won't be able to offer
the same excuse for the second time, that we didn't know." Dr Helmut
"The indifference,
callousness and contempt that so many people exhibit toward animals is evil
first because it results in great suffering in animals, and second because it
results in an incalculably great impoverishment of the human spirit."
Ashley Montagu
Animals are not things nor machines,
but rather they are sentient beings whose lives matter to them. It is therefore
legitimate to consider their interests and moral worth when making decisions
about them.
We need a People's Party to overcome ignorance, prejudice and cruelty and to
bring honesty, morality, ethics and a genuine sense of caring back into
government. We need to ensure that children are taught to honour and respect all
other living creatures. We need to create a social environment in which cruelty
is unacceptable and unjustifiable and in which the vivisector, the hunter, the
butcher and the abattoir worker cannot stand unaccused. Vernon Coleman,
Animal Rights Human Wrongs
[Animals are] those unfortunate slaves and
victims of the most brutal part of mankind. John Stuart Mill.
Our treatment of non-human beings
can be a catalyst for a more just and compassionate society, or it can be a
symptom of a society that has lost its moral compass.
“Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar is as valuable to the child as it
is to the caterpillar.” ―
Bradley Miller
National Anti-Vivisection Society
(UK), Cruelty Free Int'l; PCRM 2019 documentary:
The Animal People Are Coming
Speaking out against animal
experimentation; UBC on defensive
Animal testing still taking place
at UVic; Langara College plans dissection of domestic animals 2016
Alternatives phasing out animal
testing; new cosmetic test uses protozoa instead of rabbits; White Coat Waste
Boycott heartless research; buy
cruelty-free; EU ban 2013; 2020 -
2022 stats
Monash University
stops cruel
rabbit research whereas L'Oreal pushes into China
Rabbit gets face transplant; Amami
rabbit being cloned; pet shop has 2-nosed bunny; pet industry players
Edinburgh Zoo kills rare piglets;
Copenhagen Zoo executes young giraffe deemed ‘surplus’; follows up by destroying
4 lions
SATYA Zoo Issues;
exotic animal trade; primates; behind bars; bushmeat trafficking; Surabaya's
rising death toll
Inside China's zoos - chilling and
barbaric "entertainment"; donkey video goes viral 2017
Toronto Zoo kills baby male
reindeer; GuZoo-Alberta's shame; a living hell,
could it finally be closing? It is, finally!
Continuing calls to close Greater
Vancouver Zoo; many untimely deaths; the sordid animal business
Baby hippo dispute at
Switzerland's Basel Zoo, CAPS; National Zoo problems
Zoos: prisons by any other name;
Toronto Zoo elephants moving, update 2015; Bowmanville Zoo owner seen on video
abusing Siberian tiger; cruelty charges, closing, update
2017; Calgary Zoo's long record of obituaries
Investigating the Illegal
Wildlife Market in Mong La, Burma; 2019 coronavirus
pandamic, inside these horrific animal markets
Endangered & exotic illegal
animal trade skyrockets; criminal enterprise, efforts to combat poaching; greed
& ignorance
Live animal
markets a
nightmare; bans in some cities; Santee Alley
bunnies; sick rabbits sold; zoonoses, threats
Rabbits - raised for fur, wool, meat, and
vivisection; victims of exploitation
Rabbits nothing more than $$$ for the vile fur industry; shocking undercover
video; inside China's fur farms; Canada's shocking export stats
Reconsidering the rabbit in
today's society; the rabbit rental scheme; rabbit cafes disadvantageous;
2021 Vancouver gets its first one
Competitive Rabbit-Hopping; PNE
Cottage Grove Rodeo rabbit
scramble archaic & abusive; legality of animal
'scrambles', OR & MS; rodeo 'entertainment'
Abuse of work
animals; animal welfare in developing nations, fragile development, ethics
exploited for
entertainment & school fundraising; pig 'rodeo' in S. Carolina;
brutal pig wrestling a 'tradition' at Wisconsin parish,
comes to an end; animal abuse law violations
Asia's pet rental business thriving; putting profits first; be aware;
2024 S. Korea cracks down on wildlife in
Cruelty in the
name of entertainment; take action, ban animal acts; boycotting Shriners
The Cruellest Show on Earth!; Ringling
Bros calls it quits 2017; Vernon's bylaws; Mexico responds with new laws
Incredible sight of the elephant
that cried: Raju was held & abused for fifty years & on day of release tears
rolled down his face
Exhibitions and fairs unfair to
animals; BC gov't gives gaming grants; the 4-H message;
petting zoo problems; PNE 2018, 2022 fair outrage
Close the pig barns at fairs,
expert says as more states report swine flu cases
Petting zoos;
E.coli; risky & outdated, Stanley Park farmyard closes; Park Board goat case,
FVA; Dolittle probe, Maple Ridge; 2020
updates; Ontario's roadside zoos
Aquariums profit by exploiting
marine wildlife, No Whales In Captivity; referendum; two beluga deaths 2016,
update 2020 Van. Aquarium![](images/work%20animals%20donkey.jpg)
BC's Wildlife Act amended; protecting
both pets & wildlife; 'pests'; feral pigs invasive, introduced species
new threat to BC’s injured wildlife; FLNRO & wildlife rehabilitators battle
heats up
Rabbits and the Wildlife Act;
provincial stand; Vancouver Island populations
Some correspondence re: rabbits, reg's,
abandonment, FLNRO bureaucracy; politics
Hunting - a repugnant "sport"; Costa Rica
moves to a ban; US politics, some stats
Poaching and Pit-lamping BC; the blood
continues to flow; pregnant rhino massacred; trophy victims, US dentist lures &
assassinates Cecil the lion; Pedals, upright walking bear, murdered
firm under probe for animal parts trafficking; smuggling, profit trumps
preservation; poaching, penalties under Wildlife Act; 2019
Former Cop Guilty in Colorado
Killing of “Big Boy” the Elk, charges include
forgery, tampering with evidence; thrill kill sadism
The cruelty of blood sports; Royal
sadists, Windsor 'wildlife massacre'; Harrisburg Beagle Club savagery
I couldn't wait to get my
elephant, giraffes gunned down; elephants poisoned, massacred; Int'l
Anti-Poaching Fdn![](images/rabbit%20fur%20trade%2010.jpg)
Transit boss
rejects animal
compassion ads! ads running across Canada 2013; GoVeg Ads popping up!
US and Australian
wool industries exposed in shocking undercover footage captured by animal rights
groups; petition
Dying for fur - inside China's fur
farms; donkey cruelty, wildlife markets, taking action
Boycott China - End Its Animal
Terror; appetite for 'trophies'; 'aphrodisiacs'; donkeys bludgeoned &
slaughtered for Chinese medicine
Undercover Video: Rabbits
Screaming During Slaughter; boycotting fashion giants; Donna Karan
Taking action - horrors of the fur industry, reporting misleading advertising &
labelling to the Competition Bureau![](images/fur-free%20society%202.jpg)
Fighting the despicable fur trade; some Cdn stats; Grouse Mtn discontinues
selling fur; Canadian Tire & subsidiaries go fur-free
War on fur
continues; Pappas & Snowflake; West Hollywood to ban sales!, Canada Goose faces
lawsuit; Textile Labelling Act
Ottawa won't ban fur imports
because of seal ban; a long struggle; WTO 'morals' decision; Canada subsidizes
dying mink farm industry; FAQs
Fur flying new green flag while trapping
bans on rise; a cruel & unnecessary industry; greed & greenwashing
Compassion is an action word with no boundaries.
We Animals:
a global
agency dedicated to making visible the lives of
trapped in the human world.
Fur is cruel. Unless there's justice for innocent creatures we
will never see peace.
Join campaigns, hold a vigil, do something, anything,
to help end the senseless suffering and cruelty of our animal friends.
Be their voice!
The cruelty and torture inflicted upon
defenseless animals is an aberration of justice and a violation of the innocent
at its core.